注册com dll供vba使用


我有一个非常基本的问题。我开发了一个要从Access vba使用的comdll。在我的开发机上工作得很好。在测试机器上我得到

I have a very basic question. I have developed a com dll to be used from Access vba. Works great on my development machine. On a test machine I get the

"error -2147024894 (80070002) Automation Error
System can't find the specified file"


在设计视图中,dll被引用,所有对象和属性都显示在vba ide中。

When in design view the dll is referenced and all the objects and properties show up in the vba ide.

我想知道如果我使用错误regasm注册dll?我使用VS 2010在64位机器上开发。

I am wondering if I am using the wrong regasm to register the dll? I develop on a 64 bit machine using VS 2010.

我编译dll以在Framework 3.5中的x86上运行。我应该使用框架v2。 o.50727或Framework\v4.0.30319注册dll。不清楚我的区别是什么。是使用的版本决定的开发版本的VS还是编译的.NET版本?一个用于32位,另一个用于64位?

I compile the dll to run on x86 in Framework 3.5. Should I use the framework v2. o.50727 or Framework\v4.0.30319 to register the dll. Not clear to me what the difference is. Is the version used determined by the development version of VS or the .NET version you compile in? Is one used for 32 bit and the other for 64 bit?


I have been fighting this for 2 days and have made some headway but can't get the Access routines to actually set an instance of the dll in runtime.


.5,你应该使用那个regasm。但是,我认为您可能需要添加/ tlb和/ codebase开关,以生成您可以在vba应用程序中使用的类型库。然后你可以引用.tlb文件,你应该是金色的。

If you are compiling under v3.5, you should use that regasm. However, I think you might need to add the /tlb and /codebase switches to generate the type library that you can use in vba apps. You can then ref the .tlb file and you should be golden.