在浏览器的PHP code显示器,而不是执行它


我刚刚配置的PHP 5.3.8从PHP.net和apachelaunge的Apache 2.2.20在Windows 7上。

I have just configured the PHP 5.3.8 from PHP.net and apache 2.2.20 from apachelaunge on Windows 7.


Every thing done very well.

我已经在命令行中试图 PHP -i ,它告诉我所有的PHP infomarmation。

I have tried PHP -i from the command line and it show me all PHP infomarmation.

但是,当我试图执行< PHP的phpinfo(); ?> ,然后浏览器显示我的内容相同的PHP文件而不是实际的PHP执行结果

But when I have tried to execute the <?php phpinfo(); ?> , then browsers shows me the same content as in php file but not the actual PHP execution result.


I have added Directory Index also like below:

<IfModule dir_module>
    DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm


I am not getting where I am wrong.

我张贴这个答案,因为我的Virtualmin / Webmin的管理界面决定这是一个好主意,禁用我的PHP引擎..我花了一段要找到解决方案,所以我想我会与你们分享:


Also, be sure to check that none of your website config files related to this specific host or virtualhost have any php_admin_value's in them that turn off PHP, like this:

php_admin_value engine Off


When in doubt, comment it...

# php_admin_value engine Off


And restart your webserver.