在Crystal Reports 10.5.3700中将RPT导出为PDF版本1.3


我使用嵌入在Visual Studio 2008中的Crystal报表。我生成一个报表,当导出为PDF时,我获得PDF PDF 1.2的PDF文件。我需要得到这个导出的PDF文件的版本为PDF 1.3或更高版本。我使用报表查看器生成报表。有什么办法在报告本身实现这一点。我的Crystal报表版本是10.5.3700.0。请帮我获取PDF 1.3或更高版本....

I'm using Crystal reports that is embedded in Visual Studio 2008. I'm generating a report which is when exported to PDF I get the PDF file of Version PDF 1.2. I need to get this exported PDF file to be of version PDF 1.3 or higher. I'm using the Report viewer to generate the report. Is there any way to implement this in Reports itself. My Crystal reports version is 10.5.3700.0. Kindly help me out to obtain the PDF 1.3 or higher versions ....


I actually upgraded my Crystal report verion to get the PDF version higher than 1.2.