如何使用JS API在MS Office Word加载项中以编程方式获取Word文档中的文本范围


我需要以编程方式(通过MS Office加载项)获取Word文档中文本的数值范围(例如:起点30,终点35),但是我找不到如何通过JS做到这一点. 这是一个示例:

I need to get numerical range of the text(example: startpoint-30, endpoint-35) in word document programmatically (via MS Office add-in), but I can't find how to do that via JS. Here is an example:

你好,我的朋友皮特,我昨天和你的朋友罗伯特谈过,他 告诉了他的朋友安.

Hello my friend Pete, I talked to your friend Robert yesterday and he told about his friend Ann.

因此,我需要获取我想要的任何单词的范围,并为未来的开发创建单词范围的数组.例如,如果我们谈论单词"Pete",则其范围应为(16,20),如果文本的开头为0.当我在Internet上进行研究时,我发现了一些信息,看来这是不可能的与JS API有关.

So, I need to get range of any word i want and create array of word`s ranges for future development. For example if we speak about word "Pete" the range of it should be (16,20), if the beginning of the text is 0. When I researched this on the Internet I've found some info that it seems to be impossible to do with JS API.


But i found such functionality in .NET docs. Here is the link https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/vsto/how-to-programmatically-define-and-select-ranges-in-documents?view=vs-2019

最后一个问题.是否有可能(如果是,是否非常复杂,我该如何实现)执行上面使用JS API进行的上述功能,或者我应该切换到.NET,以免浪费时间.

So the final question. Is it possible(if yes, is it very complicated and how can I achieve that) to do such functionality that I've described above with JS API or I should switch to .NET not to waste my time.


I'm assuming that you mean literally to get the numerical bounds of a range, not that you want to use numerical bounds that you already have to get a range. So if I understand what you want to do, then I recommend that you try the following:


Get a reference to the entire text as a Range object. Then use the Range.split method to get the range that precedes the "Pete". The text of first member of the ranges collection that is returned is "Hello my friend ". The length of this string is your start point. Your end point is the sum of the start point and the length of "Pete".

var target = "Pete";
var ranges = myRange.split([target], true, true, false);
var precedingRange = ranges.getFirst();
var startPoint = precedingRange.text.length;
var endPoint = starPoint + target.length;