PHP SoapClient 调用响应缺少部分答案


我在解析 SoapClient 调用响应的 PHP 时遇到问题.对于某些类型的答案,它返回空 stdClass 对象的数组,而不是已初始化的 stdClass 对象.

I am having trouble with PHP parsing of a SoapClient call's response. For some types of answers, it is returning arrays of empty stdClass objects instead of initialized stdClass objects.

服务器是在tomcat6上用axis2部署的java webservice.有问题的服务调用的 Java 签名是 public Course getCourseDetails(Long courseId) Course 是一个标准的 POJO,定义为:

The server is a java webservice deployed with axis2 on tomcat6. The Java signature of the problematic service call is public Course getCourseDetails(Long courseId) Course is a standard POJO defined as:

public class Course {
    private Long id;
    private List<Hole> holes;
    private String name;
    private String tees;


Hole 是一个只有原始成员的标准 POJO.

Hole is a standard POJO with only primative members.

当用 PHP 调用时,holes 成员是一个长度正确的数组,但每个孔都是空的.

When called with PHP, the holes member is an array with the correct length, but each hole is empty.

$args = array();
$args["courseId"] = $courseId;
$response = $client->getCourseDetails($args);
$course = $response->return;
//course has all of its primitive members set correctly: good
$holes = $course->holes;
//holes is an array with count = 18: good
$hole = $holes[0];
//hole is an empty stdClass: bad

使用 $soapClient->__getLastResponse() 打印返回的 XML,看起来是正确的表示:

Printing out the returned XML with $soapClient->__getLastResponse() what looks like the correct representation:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<ns:getCourseDetailsResponse xmlns:ns="http://webservice.golfstats">
<ns:return xmlns:ax21="http://datastructures.server.golfstats/xsd" xmlns:ax22="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ax24="" xsi:type="ax21:Course">
<ax21:courseLocation>Faketown, VA</ax21:courseLocation>
<ax21:courseName>Fake Links</ax21:courseName>

为什么每个孔都是空的 stdClass?SoapClient 解析响应的级别数是否存在已知限制?

Why is each hole an empty stdClass? Are there known limitations to the number of levels SoapClient will parse a response?

这似乎是 PHP 中的一个错误.

This appears to be a bug in PHP.


Unfortunately, the bug tracker won't let me comment on it.