为C ++(指针)创建python的Swig包装器


我是swig的一个新手,我正在尝试创建一个swig包装器,以便在python中使用一些C ++文件.我有以下C ++类.

I a very new to swig and I am trying to create a swig wrapper in order to use a few C++ files in python. I have the following C++ class.


The following is a snippet of the code that I am trying to convert:

class CPacketBuffer {
    // construct based on given buffer, data is not copied
    CPacketBuffer(uint8_t* data, uint32_t length) {
        mpBuffer = data;
        mLength  = length;
        mHead    = 0;
        mTail    = length;
    uint8_t* GetBuffer() {
        return (mpBuffer + mHead);
    void Add(const uint8_t* data, uint32_t length) {
            if ((mTail + length) > mLength) {
            length = (mLength - mTail);

我一直在尝试编写一个example.i文件,该文件今天全天都在swig文档的帮助下接受指向typedefs(uint8_t *)的指针,但我一直没有成功.

I have been trying to write a example.i file that would accept pointers to typedefs(uint8_t *) all day today using help from swig documentation, but I have been unsuccessful.


The following is a packet_buffer.i file that I have tried which doesn't work.

%module packet_buffer
%include typemaps.i
%apply unsigned char* {uint8_t*};
%apply unit8_t *INPUT {uint8_t *data};

    #include "../include/packet_buffer.h"
%include "../include/packet_buffer.h"

  1. 如何为使用指向typedef的指针的成员函数编写swig代码?
  2. 我可以编写可在代码中使用的通用%apply,还是必须为每个INPUT,OUTPUT参数编写详细信息?


If I've understood this correctly the problem you're facing isn't that they're pointers, it's that they're potentially unbounded arrays.

您可以使用carrays.i 扭曲无边界的C数组.和%array_class"宏,例如:

You can warp an unbounded C array using carrays.i and the "%array_class" macro, e.g.:

%module packet
%include "stdint.i"

    #include "packet.h"

%include "carrays.i"
%array_class(uint8_t, buffer);

%include "packet.h"


Would then allow you to in Python write something like:

a = packet.buffer(10000000) 
p = packet.CPacketBuffer(a.cast(), 10000000)

请注意,您需要确保缓冲区的寿命足够长-如果在不了解C ++代码的情况下释放Python对象,最终将导致不确定的行为.

Note that you'll need to ensure the life of the buffer is sufficient - if the Python object gets released without the C++ code being aware you'll end up with undefined behaviour.


You can convert uint8_t* pointers (unbounded arrays) to buffer instances in Python using the frompointer methods that the %array_class macro also creates, e.g.:

r = packet.GetBuffer()
buf = packet.buffer_frompointer(r)

您可以添加其他Python代码以自动/隐藏大多数缓冲区之间的转换(如果需要),或者使用 MemoryViews 进行在C API方面与Python紧密集成.

You can add additional Python code to automate/hide most of the conversion between buffers if desired, or use MemoryViews to integrate tighter with Python on the C API side.

尽管一般来说,由于这是C ++,所以我建议为此使用std::vector-在Python端使用它比无边界数组要好得多,并且这样做的代价是安全性和简单性最小.

In general though since this is C++ I'd suggest using std::vector for this - it's much nicer to use on the Python side than the unbounded arrays and the cost is minimal for the safety and simplicity it gives you.