更好的C#语法着色为Visual Studio 2010?


从Eclipse的到来,我很失望,与C#由Visual Studio提供了非常有限的语法着色能力(所有版本,到2010年)。

Coming from Eclipse, I'm disappointed with the very limited syntax coloring capabilities offered for C# by Visual Studio (all versions, up to 2010).


In particular, I'm interesting in distinct coloring for methods / fields / locals / static stuff.


I'm aware Visual Assist can enhance the coloring, but I've failed to find any free alternative capable of doing that, so I'm turning to SO (I hope it's programming-related enough). Is there any free (or at least cheaper than Visual Assist) solution capable of enhancing the syntax coloring for C#?


Well, I could understand from the rest of the responses that the answer is a resounding "no, there is no such extension available for free", so I ended up writing one on my own:


(light brown for methods, magenta for variables, otherwise their color would have been black)

这是一个有点粗糙,但它为我工作 - 而且是免费的:)

It's a bit crude, but it works for me - and it was free :)

编辑:任何有兴趣做同样的 - 使用编辑分类的模板,在Visual Studio SDK捆绑在一起,是一个很好的起点

Anyone interested in doing the same - using the "Editor Classification" template, bundled with the Visual Studio SDK, is a great starting point.