使用Visual Studio 2010进行远程调试问题


我们的IT安装了来自 http://www.microsoft.com/的rdbgsetup_ia64.exe en-eg / download / details.aspx?id = 2728 [ ^ ]在我们的64台服务器之一上进行远程调试。

他建议禁用防火墙选项,但是当我运行msvsmon时。 exe说:



Our IT installed rdbgsetup_ia64.exe from http://www.microsoft.com/en-eg/download/details.aspx?id=2728[^] to do a remote debugging on one of our 64 servers.
He advised that the Firewall options are disabled, but when I run msvsmon.exe it says :
Warning : Unable to determine if Windows Firewall is blocking remote debugging, the array bounds are invalid.

And finally I'm unable to do remote debugging via this server. What options should I check to resolve this problem ?