Visual Studio 2015默认的其他库


当我在VS 2015中创建一个空项目时,它会自动将这些库置于其他依赖项"中:

When I make an empty project in VS 2015 it automatically puts these libraries into "additional dependencies":

kernel32.lib; user32.lib; gdi32.lib; winspool.lib; comdlg32.lib; advapi32.lib; shell32.lib; ole32.lib; oleaut32.lib; uuid.lib; odbc32.lib; odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)



I have no idea what most of these are for, can they be safely removed?


Many of them can be safely removed. Here's a quick rundown of what they are for:

  • kernel32 :进程和线程管理,文件和设备I/O,内存分配(请注意,C和C ++运行时库以及编译器生成的代码都在使用它)
  • user32 :窗口和菜单管理(如果使用GUI,请保留此内容,对于控制台应用程序可以删除).基本的窗口小部件集(=预定义的窗口类,如按钮,复选框和滚动条)在此处.
  • gdi32 :绘图(如果使用自定义呈现的图形,请保留此图形;如果仅使用小部件,则可以将其删除)
  • comctl32 :精美的新小部件,例如树,列表视图和进度条
  • winspool :GDI所不能提供的打印高级用法.我总是将其删除.
  • comdlg32 :常见对话框,例如打开"和保存文件"对话框
  • advapi32 :注册表支持,用户帐户和访问控制,加密.我通常最终需要这个,您的需求可能会有所不同.
  • shell32 shlwapi :任务栏和通知托盘UI以及更多帮助器功能,例如预定义的文件夹和路径操作功能.通常有用,但许多应用程序将不需要它.
  • ole32 oleaut32 :OLE是ActiveX,DCOM等的基础.许多较新的OS API是COM对象,因此您可能需要保留它.
  • uuid :可能不需要高级OLE使用.
  • odbc32 odbccp32 :使用非常老旧且不友好的API进行数据库访问.我总是删除这些.
  • kernel32 : Process and thread management, file and device I/O, memory allocation (keep this, the C and C++ runtime libraries and compiler-generated code uses it)
  • user32 : Window and menu management (keep this if using GUI, can remove for console apps) The base set of widgets (= predefined window classes, like buttons and checkboxes and scrollbars) are here.
  • gdi32 : Drawing (keep this if using custom rendered graphics, can remove if just using widgets)
  • comctl32 : Fancy new widgets, like trees, listviews, and progress bars
  • winspool : Advanced usage of printing beyond what GDI covers. I always remove it.
  • comdlg32 : Common dialogs, like Open and Save File Dialogs
  • advapi32 : Registry support, user account and access control, cryptography. I usually end up needing this one, your needs may differ.
  • shell32, shlwapi : Taskbar and notification tray UI and more helper functions, like predefined folders and path manipulation functions. Often useful, but many applications won't need it.
  • ole32, oleaut32 : OLE is the basis for ActiveX, DCOM, etc. Many of the newer OS APIs are COM objects, so you probably need to keep this.
  • uuid : Advanced OLE usage, probably not needed.
  • odbc32, odbccp32 : Database access using a very old and unfriendly API. I always remove these.


Italicized libraries are not in the default list, but more useful than half the ones that are.