jQuery - 选择所有带有属性名称(非值)的元素,以...开头?

jQuery  - 选择所有带有属性名称(非值)的元素,以...开头?



Say I'm looking for all elements with an attribute 'data-language', whose value begins with 'java' (would match both 'java' and 'javascript'). I know how to do this:


但我的问题是:如何获取所有具有属性的元素( 的属性,但实际属性名称本身)?例如:

But my question is: how do I get all elements that have an attribute (not the value of the attribute, but the actual attribute name itself) beginning with something? For example:

  1. 属性名称以data-s开头的所有元素,或

  2. 所有具有数据属性的元素(属性以data - 开头)。


There is no shortcut, you may use the attributes collection :

      var attrs = this.attributes;
      for (var i=0; i<attrs.length; i++) {
          if (attrs[i].name.indexOf("someStartOfName")==0) return true;
      return false;