


I have Repository class with a method as follows:

public function GetOne($id){
    $method = __METHOD__;
    $post = null;

    $post = $this->CacheManager($method, function($id) {
        return DB::select("select * from posts where id = ?", [$id]);

    return $post;

我想缓存结果,但是在闭包/回调函数中,$ id参数不起作用. CacheManager是我在存储库中使用它的一个特征.

I want to cache the result, but in the closure/callback function the $id parameter is not working. The CacheManager is a trait where I'm using it in my repository.

public function CacheManager($method, $fn) {
  $obj = null;

    $obj = $fn();
  }else {
    $obj = $this->GetCache($method);

  return $obj;


I have some other methods without parameters and they're working as intended.

使用 use . :D

Use use. :D


With the use clause, you can import variables from the parent scope into the scope of the function.

public function GetOne($id){
    $method = __METHOD__;
    $post = null;

    $post = $this->CacheManager($method, function() use ($id) {
        return DB::select("select * from posts where id = ?", [$id]);

    return $post;


Just a side note. Since it looks you are building a caching mechanism, you will need to include the ID in the cache as well. Currently you only check by $method, but for each id you will probably have a different cache entry which may or may not exist. So I think in your function you need to do something like the line below to make the cache key more unique. I would also call the parameter $method something like $cacheKey instead, since to the cache it shouldn't be linked to a method name per se.

$method = __METHOD__ . ";$id";

PHP 7.4的更新:箭头功能

用于箭头功能的RFC (又称简短关闭")已通过投票.

The RFC for arrow functions (AKA 'short closures') has passed voting.


With these you don't specify the parameters you want to close in, because they can only have a single expression anyway, so any expression/value they use can (and will) be taken from the parent function scope.


Since in this case the anonymous function just has a single statement, it can be rewritten into an arrow function. The call to the cache manager will then look like this:

public function GetOne($id){
    $method = __METHOD__;
    $post = null;

    $post = $this->CacheManager($method, fn() => DB::select("select * from posts where id = ?", [$id]));

    return $post;