


I have a csv file with 18 fields. I need to copy the file to a txt file, delete the first four lines, replace the data in field #8, and save the file with a new name.
The data in field #8 is an integer (for example, 1, 2, 3, etc). Each integer needs to be replaced with a separate value (for example, I need to replace 1 with 1005 and 3 with 1008). I am trying to modify/fix the following batch file:

@echo off
More +4 datatest.csv > datacopy.txt
( FOR /f "tokens=8 delims=," %%h in (datacopy.txt) do (
    if "%%h"=="3" (echo 1008) else ( 
      echo %%a %%b %%c`  echo %%a %%b %%c
@echo on

  • 仅选择一个令牌,您将只获得一列(%% h)
  • 直接解析more命令,不需要临时文件.
  • 根据要替换的整数数量,您可以使用带有int的伪数组作为索引/指针.
  • 您可以分别获取所有列(tokens=1-18%%A..%%R),也可以将其余的*收集到一个变量中.
    • With only one token selected, you'll get only one column (%%h)
    • parsing the more command directly, there is no need for a temporary file.
    • depending on how many integers to replace, you may use a pseudo array with the int as an index/pointer.
    • you may either get all columns separately (tokens=1-18,%%A..%%R) or gather the rest * in one for variable.
@echo off & Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
( FOR /f "tokens=1-8* delims=," %%A in ('More +4 datatest.csv') do (
    Set "H=%%H"
    if "%%H"=="1" Set "H=1005"
    if "%%H"=="3" Set "H=1008"
    echo %%A,%%B,%%C,...,!H!,%%I
@echo on