VC ++ 2010(非.net)应用的Rich Text Editor/文字处理控件所需的建议


嗨-有人知道他们会建议将其集成到VC ++(Visual Studio 2010)应用程序(老式MFC应用程序, not .Net)?我对所有建议都很感兴趣-从免费赠品到昂贵的功能齐全的控制.预先感谢

Hi - does anyone know a good rich text editor /word processing control they could recommend for integration into a VC++ (Visual Studio 2010) app (old-fashioned MFC app, not .Net)?  I'm interested in all suggestions - from freebies to expensive do-everything controls.   Thanks in advance


在Visual Studio中,您可以找到 Rich Edit 2.0内置控件列表中的控件.


如果使用MFC,则可以使用 CRichEditCtrl 类来支持控件.

If you use MFC, you can use the CRichEditCtrl class to support the control.