


Our code repository includes: * trunk, * branch A - starts from trunk, * branch B - starts from branch A,


The programer that works on branch A wants to reintegrate it into the trunk, and continue working on the trunk only.


We do not want to reintegrate branch B into branch A yet.


Is it possible to have branch B relate to the trunk, instead of to branch A, so that the two programmers can continue to work separately on trunk and on branch B?


(I hope my question is clear)


您将要从 A 合并到 trunk

如您所见, B 已从 A 及其内容。因为它已经存在,所以不能将其更改为从另一个代码库开始。您所要做的就是将 A trunk 的更改从 trunk 合并到 B 。在这种情况下,分支 B 将具有 trunk 和分支 A 的实际内容:

As you see, B has started from A and has its content. It cannot be changed to start from another codebase because it already exists. All you can do is merge changes from trunk to B after you have merged changes from A to trunk. In this case branch B will have actual content of both trunk and branch A: