svn 中主干/分支/标签的用途是什么?



我看过几篇文章描述了最好的 svn 布局:

I have seen several articles that describe the best svn layout to be:

  • 后备箱
    • 项目 1
    • 项目 2
    • 项目 3

    为什么这是推荐的布局?Branch 和Tags 文件夹究竟应该用于什么?

    Why is this the recommended layout and what exactly are the Branch and Tags folders supposed to be used for?

/Trunk 是应用程序代码的基本文件夹.在这里,您可以进行下一个版本/发布的工作.

/Trunk is the base folder of your application's code. It is here that you do work on your next version / release.

/Branch 是一个文件夹,它允许您及时选择某个时刻,并允许您沿着与/Trunk 不同的开发路径走下去./Branch 的一个常见用途是为您的开发团队提供对生产中存在的应用程序当前快照的访问权限,即./分支/生产维护.

/Branch is a folder that allows you to pick a moment in time and allows you to go down a different path of development than that of /Trunk. A common use of /Branch is to provide your development team with access to a current snapshot of your application as it exists in production, ie. /Branch/production-maintenance.

这种分支"概念允许您的团队为生产构建修复/增强功能,而不会影响当前在/Trunk 中进行的下一个版本的正在进行的工作.分支也可以是功能的小部分,在大型团队中,它允许开发人员以原子方式工作,并在将来的某个时间点合并回/Trunk.

This 'branching' concept allows your team to build fixes/enhancements to production, without affecting the ongoing work for your next version, currently happening in /Trunk. Branches can also be mini-pieces of functionality that, in large teams, allow developers to work on atomically, and merge back into /Trunk at a point in the future.

/Tags 是一个文件夹,允许您拍摄应用程序的快照,并仅使用那些特定的构建".这使您的团队在测试和查找构建之间的差异方面具有灵活性.您经常会在/Branch 中找到与您的构建相关的命名约定,即./Branch/2.0.0、/Branch/2.0.1、/Branch/3.1.0 等等.命名约定取决于您和您的团队;保持一致!

/Tags is a folder that allows you to take snapshots of your application, and work with just those particular "builds". This allows your team flexibility, both in testing, and in finding the differences between builds. You will often find a naming convention followed in /Branch, which relates to your builds, ie. /Branch/2.0.0, /Branch/2.0.1, /Branch/3.1.0, and so on. The naming convention is up to you and your team; keep it consistent!