


I have a class that implements ICollection for convenience. When the class gets serialized to XML all the public properties are skipped and only the actual collection gets serialized. I read the following from the MSDN


Classes that implement ICollection or IEnumerable.

  • 只有集合是序列化,而不是公共属性。


Is there anyway to work around this? Is there a way to have a class that implements ICollection and still will output the public properties? Or do I have to use an XmlWriter and do it myself?


Just in case an example is needed.

public class Batch: ICollection<Foo>
    public string Bar { get; set; }

    public int Baz { get; set; }

    public List<Foo> Foos { get; private set; }

    public IEnumerator<Foo> GetEnumerator()
        return Foos.GetEnumerator();

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return Foos.GetEnumerator();

    public void Add(Foo item)

    public void Clear()

    public bool Contains(Foo item)
        return Foos.Contains(item);

    public void CopyTo(Foo[] array, int arrayIndex)
        Foos.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex);

    public bool Remove(Foo item)
        return Foos.Remove(item);

    public int Count { get { return Foos.Count; } }

    public bool IsReadOnly { get { return false; } }

原因是这种方式是,在我的code另一部分我处理事情的集合。的IList IList的等。但为批次有一个适用于每一个富但这些信息是相同的每个foo的一个特定的批次信息。也许就像一个批次ID或创建的日期时间。我希望能够治疗我的批处理和我的其他收藏品以同样的方式在我的code一些地方,因为我所关心的是一个集合,具有计数。我不关心,有些信息是相同的是收集每一个项目。

The reason it is this way is that in another part of my code I am dealing with collections of things. IList IList etc. But for the batch there is information that applies to every Foo but that information is the same for every foo for one particular batch. Like perhaps a batch ID or Created DateTime. I wanted to be able to treat my batch and my other collections in the same way in some parts of my code because all i care about that is a collection and has a count. I don't care that some information is identical to every item in that collection.


The reason I wanted to do that was for serialization. I was trying to remove redundant information. If there is another way to structure my class that I do not lose that very important count then I am all ears. I was hoping to avoid creating another interface that just contains a count for a simple thing like this. It felt dirty but it might be the right thing.

没有,基本上是这样。这是不是唯一的的XmlSerializer - 框架治疗的集合元素的是相互排斥的大部分地区。我的建议:不这样做,的。有什么事情,是的或者的集合的 XOR 的一个元素。

No, basically. This is not unique to XmlSerializer - large parts of the framework treat collections and elements as mutually exclusive. My suggestion: don't do that. Have something that is either a collection xor an element.

这并不意味着格式有改变 - 你通常可以的封装的名单(而不是的的列表),并使用 [的XmlElement (someName)] 来得到相同类型的输出,例如:

This does not mean the format has to change - you can usually encapsulate a list (rather than be a list) and use [XmlElement("someName")] to get the same type of output, for example:

public class PeopleWrapper
    public int SomeValue { get; set; }

    private readonly List<Person> people = new List<Person>();
    public List<Person> Items { get { return people; } }


then if another class had:

public PeopleWrapper People { get; set; }


you would get, in the xml:

<People someValue="123">