netsh acl设置(需要替代方法-注册表设置吗?)



I am using inno-setup to install a program that needs to unblock port 4326 on Win7 (permit acl access) so that GET operations can be done over HTTP to port 4326.

我有一个powershell脚本,管理员可以运行该脚本来解除阻止该端口的作用。但这不能作为inno-setup [run]命令使用(因为本地计算机通常会禁止脚本运行)。 (即powershell.exe -nowait& script.ps1)

I have a powershell script that an admin can run to unblock the port. But this does not work as an inno-setup [run] command (because the local machine usually disables scripts from running). (i.e powershell.exe -nowait & script.ps1)


Is there some registry keys in the target machine that I can set that will unblock the port? That I can do pretty easily in inno-setup since the setup.exe runs as an admin. I guess a self-contained EXE could do the same thing.


Here is the script that I would like to replace with just setting the registry settings in HKLM.

set-alias netsh c:\Windows\System32\netsh.exe
$PORT = 4326
$domain = $Env:userdomain
$name = $Env:username
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue";

netsh http delete urlacl url=http://*:$PORT/
netsh http add urlacl url=http://*:$PORT/ user=$domain\$name


See running netsh.exe as a post-install in inno-setup for a continuation of this question. But I basically, jachguate's answer of running netsh.exe as a post install seems the right way to go.