使用unaccent使用Npgsql和Entity Framework查询PostgreSQL


是否可以使用Npgsql和Entity Framework 6来查询PostgreSQL而忽略重音符号?在运行SQL时,可以使用unaccent扩展名,并可以使用基于unaccent的索引进行索引:

Is possible to use Npgsql and Entity Framework 6 for query PostgreSQL ignoring accents? In play SQL it's possible to use the unaccent extension and could be indexed with a index also based in unaccent:

select * from users where unaccent(name) = unaccent('João')


In previous projects using MySql I could solve this problem just using a collation accent insensitive like utf8_swedish_ci but PostgreSQL lacks this kind of solution as far as I know.

如果使用 Codefirst 方法,则应尝试使用 EntityFramework.CodeFirstStoreFunctions

If you use the Codefirst approach, you should try to use EntityFramework.CodeFirstStoreFunctions.

  1. First将EntityFramework.CodeFirstStoreFunctions添加到您的项目

  2. 将带有 unaccent 的自定义约定添加到DbModelBuilder

  3. 在查询中使用它。

  1. First add EntityFramework.CodeFirstStoreFunctions to your project
  2. Add a custom convention with unaccent to DbModelBuilder
  3. Use it in a query.


public class DatabaseContext : DbContext
    public DatabaseContext () : base("Context")

    public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }

    protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)

        /** Adding unaccent **/           
        modelBuilder.Conventions.Add(new CodeFirstStoreFunctions.FunctionsConvention<DatabaseContext>("public"));

    [DbFunction("CodeFirstDatabaseSchema", "unaccent")]
    public string Unaccent(string value)
        // no need to provide an implementation
        throw new NotSupportedException();


var users = ctx.Users
               .Where(elem => ctx.Unaccent(elem.FirstName) == ctx.Unaccent("João"))


此解决方案与 EntityFramework6.Npgsql (使用Npgsql 3. *)。
不适用于 Npgsql.EntityFramework (使用Npgsql 2。*)

Important notice:
This solution works with EntityFramework6.Npgsql (which uses Npgsql 3.*).
It doesn't work with Npgsql.EntityFramework (which uses Npgsql 2.*)