


The following (rightfully) doesn't work:

package main

import (

func main() {
        os.Args[0] = "custom name"
        time.Sleep(1000 * time.Second)

有些语言提供设置进程名称作为内置功能(在Ruby中,例如,它只是指定给 $ 0 )或作为第三方库( Python )。

Some languages provide this feature of setting process name as a built-in functionality (in Ruby, for instance, it is only a matter of assigning to $0) or as a third-party library (Python).


I'm looking for a solution that works, at least, on Linux.


修改argv [0]

There are multiple ways to accomplish this, and many of them only work in certain situations. I don't really recommend doing it, as (for one thing) it can result in your process showing up with different names in different situations. They require using syscall and/or unsafe, and so you're deliberately subverting the safety of the Go language. That said, however, your options seem to be:

func SetProcessName(name string) error {
    argv0str := (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&os.Args[0]))
    argv0 := (*[1 << 30]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(argv0str.Data))[:argv0str.Len]

    n := copy(argv0, name)
    if n < len(argv0) {
            argv0[n] = 0

    return nil


In Go, you don't have access to the actual argv array itself (without calling internal runtime functions), so you are limited to a new name no longer than the length of the current process name.


This seems to mostly work on both Darwin and Linux.

func SetProcessName(name string) error {
    bytes := append([]byte(name), 0)
    ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&bytes[0])
    if _, _, errno := syscall.RawSyscall6(syscall.SYS_PRCTL, syscall.PR_SET_NAME, uintptr(ptr), 0, 0, 0, 0); errno != 0 {
            return syscall.Errno(errno)
    return nil


The new name can be at most 16 bytes.

这在达尔文不起作用,似乎并不在Linux上做了很多工作,虽然它成功了,PR_GET_NAME之后也报告了正确的名称。虽然这可能是我的Linux VM特有的。

This doesn't work on Darwin, and doesn't seem to do much on Linux, though it succeeds and PR_GET_NAME reports the correct name afterward. This may be something peculiar about my Linux VM, though.