使用PHP 5.5在Amazon EC2上安装pdo_mysql


我已经创建了Amazon Linux AMI 2013.09.02服务器并安装了以下内容:

I've created an Amazon Linux AMI 2013.09.02 server and installed the following:

yum install php55 php55-mbstring php55-soap php55-gd php55-mcrypt php55-pdo httpd24


Apache and PHP work fine. But I need pdo_mysql.so for a legacy version of Doctrine (1.x). I cannot find out how to get pdo_mysql.so onto this system. That file is not within the /user/lib64/php/5.5/modules/ folder.



Install the package php55-mysqlnd. I believe this will provide mysql support to PDO.

对于PHP 5.6支持,程序包为php56-mysqlnd.

For PHP 5.6 support, the package is php56-mysqlnd.

对于PHP 7.0支持,程序包为php70-mysqlnd.

For PHP 7.0 support, the package is php70-mysqlnd.

要获得PHP 7.1支持,软件包为php71-mysqlnd.

For PHP 7.1 support, the package is php71-mysqlnd.