如何在Symfony 4中为测试环境设置数据库


我对如何为symfony 4中的测试环境设置数据库感到困惑.我曾经在symfony 3及以下版本的 config_test.yml 文件中处理过该数据库.

I feel confused about how to setup a database for the test envrionment in symfony 4. I used to deal with it in config_test.yml file in symfony 3 and below.

最佳做法是什么?我应该在 config/packages/test中重新创建一个 doctrine.yaml 文件吗?

What is the best practice ? Should I recreate a doctrine.yaml file in config/packages/test ?

文档提到了如何通过编辑phpunit config来使用数据库运行功能测试:

The documentation mentions how to run functional test using a database by editing the phpunit config :

        <!-- the value is the Doctrine connection string in DSN format -->
        <env name="DATABASE_URL" value="mysql://USERNAME:PASSWORD@" />
    <!-- ... -->


However it does not feet my needs since I need to be able to update schema/load fixtures to the test env.


For what you want to do I usually create a custom test bootstrap that runs the required doctrine commands and looks something like this:

# tests/bootstrap.php

    echo "Resetting test database...";
        'php "%s/../bin/console" doctrine:schema:drop --env=test --force --no-interaction',
        'php "%s/../bin/console" doctrine:schema:update --env=test --force --no-interaction',
        'php "%s/../bin/console" doctrine:fixtures:load --env=test --no-interaction',
    echo " Done" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

在我的 phpunit.xml.dist 中,添加了env变量:

In my phpunit.xml.dist I addd the env variable:

<env name="DATABASE_URL" value="sqlite:///%kernel.project_dir%/var/test.db"/>
<env name="BOOTSTRAP_RESET_DATABASE" value="1" />

如果您想看一个基本示例,我有一个Symfony 4演示项目,该项目使用它来建立一个基本测试数据库,供功能测试使用Web测试用例使用.您可以在GitHub上找到它: dbrumann/product-api

If you want to see a basic example I have a Symfony 4 demo project that uses this to set up a basic test database that is used by Functional Tests using the web test case. You can find it on GitHub: dbrumann/product-api