


There are some other (older) questions about this, but since they already are a few years old, I am curious if there have been an update about this. I want to animate a lottery, in which users can buy tickets. Everything is going well, but I want to make sure there are never more than a thousand sold tickets. It has to be server side, and these are my rules:

  "Lottery": {
    ".read": "auth != null",
    ".write": "auth != null",
      "counter": {
        ".validate": "newData.isNumber() && newData.val() > 0 && newData.val() <= 1000 && ((!data.exists() && newData.val() === 1) || (newData.val() === data.val()+1))"
          "root.child('Lottery/counter/').val() === someValueYouNeedItToEqual"


I do not know what to write at someValueYouNeedItToEqual. I am concerned about the working of this system. My goal is to write the user's UID to the server, and gets accepted if the value (I can search client side for available spots, the value can be a Int between 0 and 1000) is free. It should be rejected when all spots are taken (1000 children in a node). I hope someone can help me out figuring out the needed validation rules. Thank you.


There is this guidance already here on SO: Limit number of records that can be written to a path (reference other paths in security rules)

或者您可以使用 Firebase的云功能来实现

Or you could use Cloud Functions for Firebase to implement a database trigger that both:

  1. 随着孩子的来去,增加/减少孩子的数量(为了安全起见,在交易中).
  2. 检查子项计数以确保新子项可用于添加,如果没有,则将其删除(或其他一些子项).