Mybatis Generator:将“自动生成的"广告素材分离出来的最佳方法是什么?和“手动编辑的文件"


我在一个使用 Mybatis (用于将Java持久存储到数据库)和 Mybatis Generator (用于从数据库自动生成映射器xml文件和Java接口)的项目中模式).

I am on a project that uses both Mybatis (for persisting java to database) and Mybatis Generator (to automatically generate the mapper xml files and java interfaces from a database schema).


Mybatis generator does a good job at generating the files necessary for basic crud operation.



For some of the tables/classes, we will need more "stuff" (code queries, etc) than the "crud stuff" generated by the MyBatis Generator tool.


Is there any way to have "best of both worlds", i.e use auto generation as as well as "custom code". How do you separate out and structure the "hand edited files" and "automatically generated files".



I was thinking about the following, i.e. for table "Foo"


  • FooCrudMapper.xml
  • 界面


(where "Crud" stands for "Create Read Update Delete")


  • FooMapper.xml
  • 界面Foo扩展了FooCrud

概念:如果更改了架构,您始终可以安全地自动生成"Crud" xml和.java文件,而无需清除任何自定义更改.

The notion: if the schema changed, you could always safely autogenerate the "Crud" xml and .java files without wiping out any of the custom changes.


  • mybatis是否可以正确处理这种情况,即该映射器会正确执行自动生成的原始代码"吗?

  • Would mybatis correctly handle this scenario, i.e. would this mapper correctly execute the auto-generated 'crud code'?

FooMapper fooMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(FooMapper.class);

FooMapper fooMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(FooMapper.class);


*我们的数据库设计使用核心表"(元素"),其他表扩展"该表并添加额外的属性(共享键).我看了看文档,资料来源得出结论,未经任何手动编辑,我无法将Mybatis Generator与此类扩展名"结合使用:

Edit 1: * Our db design uses a 'core table' ("element") with other tables 'extending' that table and adding extra attributes (shared key) . I've looked at docs and source concluded that I cannot use Mybatis Generator in conjunction with such 'extension' without any hand editing:

即这是行不通的. -ElementMapper扩展"ElementCrudMapper" -FooMapper.xml扩展了"ElementCrudMapper"和"FooCrudMapper"

i.e. This does not work. -ElementMapper extends "ElementCrudMapper" -FooMapper.xml extends both "ElementCrudMapper" and "FooCrudMapper"



I can seperate out generated files and hand edited files.

我使用mybatis-spring和spring管理dao接口.该库允许MyBatis参与Spring事务,负责构建MyBatis映射器和SqlSessions并将它们注入其他bean,将MyBatis异常转换为Spring DataAccessExceptions,最后,它使您可以构建不依赖于MyBatis,Spring或Java的应用程序代码. MyBatis-Spring .

I use mybatis-spring and spring to manage dao interfaces. This library allows MyBatis to participate in Spring transactions, takes care of building MyBatis mappers and SqlSessions and inject them into other beans, translates MyBatis exceptions into Spring DataAccessExceptions, and finally, it lets you build your application code free of dependencies on MyBatis, Spring or MyBatis-Spring.


For DAO Interfaces, I write a generic MybatisBaseDao to represent base interface generated by mybatis generator.

    public interface MybatisBaseDao<T, PK extends Serializable, E> {
    int countByExample(E example);

    int deleteByExample(E example);

    int deleteByPrimaryKey(PK id);

    int insert(T record);

    int insertSelective(T record);

    List<T> selectByExample(E example);

    T selectByPrimaryKey(PK id);

    int updateByExampleSelective(@Param("record") T record, @Param("example") E example);

    int updateByExample(@Param("record") T record, @Param("example") E example);

    int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(T record);

    int updateByPrimaryKey(T record);


Of course, you can custom your BaseDao according to your demand. For example we have a UserDao, Then you can defind it like this

public interface UserDao extends MybatisBaseDao<User, Integer, UserExample>{
    List<User> selectUserByAddress(String address); // hand edited query method

对于mapper xml文件,我在mapper(.xml)基本文件夹中创建了两个包,以将生成的文件和手动编辑的文件分开.对于上面的UserDao,我将生成器生成的UserMapper.xml放在名为生成"的程序包中.我将所有编写映射器sql的手放在名为manual的程序包中的另一个UserMapper.xml文件中.这两个映射器文件以相同的头文件<mapper namespace="" >开头. Mybatis可以扫描xml映射器文件以自动映射sql和相应的接口方法.

For mapper xml files, I create two packages in mapper(.xml) base folder to separate generated files and hand edited files. For UserDao above, I put UserMapper.xml generated by generator in package named 'generated'. I put all hand writing mapper sqls into another UserMapper.xml file in the package named manual. The two mapper files start with the same header <mapper namespace="" >. Mybatis can scan the xml mapper files to map sql and corresponding interface method automatically.



I hope the method above can help you!