


Here's a way to open root file in a non-root run emacs:

 erf () { SUDO_EDITOR="emacsclient -n -a emacs" sudoedit $@; } ;; erf = Emacs Root Foreground

它要求一个root密码,一旦你输入它,它打开一份文件在 / tmp 中。示例:

It asks a root password, and once You enter it it opens a copy of file in /tmp. Example:

$ cd /etc/apt
$ erf sources.list

打开: sourcesXXiOSmYN.list 。所以我编辑的东西,并保存它与 Cx Cs - 但它不保存:

opens: sourcesXXiOSmYN.list. So I edit the thing, and save it with C-x C-s -- but it's not saved:

$ sudoedit: sources.list unchanged

如何让它保存东西? (该功能将非常整齐)

How do I make it save the thing? (the feature will be very neat)


 erf () { SUDO_EDITOR="emacsclient -a emacs" sudoedit $@; } ;; erf = Emacs Root Foreground

保存文件,或者 - 删除缓冲区或 C-x#

sovles it. Save a file and either -- kill the buffer or C-x #. It works.

删除-n选项。 FWIW我使用,

Drop the -n option. FWIW I use,

alias E="SUDO_EDITOR=\"emacsclient -c -a emacs\" sudoedit"
