Google 表格 - 转置 &询问


我们有一个相对较大的数据集,当前格式"大约有 26K 行和 24 列.以下.但是,我们正在尝试将其重新格式化为下面的期望格式.我认为我们可能只需要转置和查询来实现,但我们对任何实现它的方法持开放态度.

We have a relatively large data set, with roughly 26K rows and 24 columns in the "current format" below. However we are trying to reformat it to the desire format below. I think we may need but Transpose and Query to achieve thus but we are open to any method of reaching it.


Any suggestions on how to reformat this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.


=ARRAYFORMULA({"ID", "Value", "Qty"; 
 IFERROR(SPLIT(FLATTEN(IF(B3:D="",,A3:A&"♦"&B2:D2&"♦"&B3:D)), "♦"))})