根据另一个表中的数据更新 SQLite 表


我在 SQLite 中有两个表,看起来像这样

I have two tables in SQLite which look like this

| id | C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 |
| 10 | 99 | 03 | 04 | 00 |
| 60 | 88 | 20 | 30 | 40 |

| id | C2 |
| 10 | 11 |
| 60 | 22 |

我正在尝试编写查询以根据表 Y 中的记录更新表 X 上的记录更新条件如下

I am trying to write query to update records on Table X based on records in Table Y The condition for the updateis something like the following

update table_x
   set table_x.c1 = 100,
       table_x.c2 = table_y.c2
 where table_x.id = table_y.id


But when I try to do this I get an error message saying


已删除的答案关于错误原因是正确的:关系标识符必须引入(例如使用 FROM/JOIN)可以使用之前的查询.

The deleted answer was correct about the cause of the error: a relation identifier must be introduced (e.g. with FROM/JOIN) in a query before it can be used.


While SQLite does not support UPDATE..JOIN (so there is no way to introduce the lookup relation directly), a dependent sub-query can be used to simulate the effect:

update table_x
   set c1 = 100,
       c2 = (select y.c2 from table_y as y
             where y.id = table_x.id)


Note that unlike a proper UPDATE..JOIN, if the sub-select fails to find a match then NULL will be assigned.
