ScalaTest运行时Scala播放Slick RejectedExecutionException



My FlatSpec tests are throwing:

 java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Task slick.backend.DatabaseComponent$DatabaseDef$$anon$2@dda460e rejected from java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@4f489ebd[Terminated, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 2]


But only when I run more than one suite, on the second suite forward; it seems there's something that isn't reset between tests. I'm using OneAppPerSuite to provide the app context. Whenever I use OneAppPerTest, it fails again after the first test/Suite.

我设置了override def beforeEach = tables.foreach ( _.truncate )来清除表,其中truncate只是从表中删除所有内容:Await.result ( (q.delete), Timeout.Inf)

I have a override def beforeEach = tables.foreach ( _.truncate ) set up to clear the tables, where truncate just deletes all from a table: Await.result ( (q.delete), Timeout.Inf)


I have the following setup for my DAO layer:

SomeMappedDaoClass extends SomeCrudBase with HasDatabaseConfig


trait SomeCrudBase { self: HasDatabaseConfig => 
  override lazy val dbConfig = DatabaseConfigProvider.get[JdbcProfile](Play.current)
  implicit lazy val context = Akka.system.dispatchers.lookup("db-context")


db-context {
  fork-join-executor {
    parallelism-factor = 5
    parallelism-max = 100

我正在重构代码,使其脱离Play的Guice DI.以前,当它具有@Inject() (val dbConfigProvider: DatabaseConfigProvider)并扩展了HasDatabaseConfigProvider而不是在DAO类上时,一切都运行良好.现在不知道了,我也不知道为什么.

I was refactoring the code to move away from Play's Guice DI. Before, when it had @Inject() (val dbConfigProvider: DatabaseConfigProvider) and extended HasDatabaseConfigProvider instead on the DAO classes, everything worked perfectly. Now it doesn't, and I don't know why.


SomeMappedDaoClassobject只是出于兴趣? (我知道它说的是课程,但是...).

Just out of interest is SomeMappedDaoClass an object? (I know it says class but...).


When testing the Play framework I have run into this kind of issue when dealing with objects that setup connections to parts of the Play Framework.


Between tests and between test files the Play app is killed and restarted, however, the objects created persist (because they are objects, they are initialised once within a JVM context--I think).


This can result in an object with a connection (be it for slick, an actor, anything...) that is referencing the first instance of the app used in a test. When the app is terminated and a new test starts a new app, that connection is now pointing to nothing.