如何从Firebase实时更新状态? | react.js



I have an html element that needs to updated every time there is a change in Firebase. What I've done so far is this implement this particular function:

componentWillMount() {
    var that = this;
    var updateDb = firebase.database().ref("currentToken");
    updateDb.on("value", function(snapshot) {
        that.setState({ currentToken: snapshot.val() });
    document.getElementById("tokenField").innerHTML = "Current Token: " + that.state.currentToken;


What is the proper way to update a variable in my app whenever there is a change in Firebase? Kindly give any suggestion to improve my coding as I'm a beginner.


One thing that stands out to me is how you're handling this. You should be able to use a arrow function to maintain scope:

updateDb.on("value", (snapshot) => {
  this.setState({ currentToken: snapshot.val() });


document.getElementById("tokenField").innerHTML =
  "Current Token: " + that.state.currentToken;

当您调用setState时,React不会更新该元素. React将通过调用render方法来更新所有需要state的组件.我不知道其余代码的样子,但是假设这是您要渲染的组件,则应在render中像这样更新它:

React will not update that element when you call setState. React will update any components requiring state by calling the render method. I don't know what the rest of your code looks like, but assuming that is a component that you are rendering, you should update it in render like this:

<div id="tokenField">
    Current token {this.state.currentToken}