


I have a parent table with entries for documents and I have a history table which logs an audit entry every time a user accesses one of the documents.


I'm writing a search query to return a list of documents (filtered by various criteria) with the latest user id to access each document returned in the result set.

因此, / p>

Thus for

    ID | NAME
    1  | Document 1
    2  | Document 2
    3  | Document 3
    4  | Document 4
    5  | Document 5

    1      | 12345   | TODAY
    1      | 11111   | IN THE PAST
    1      | 11111   | IN THE PAST
    1      | 12345   | IN THE PAST
    2      | 11111   | TODAY
    2      | 12345   | IN THE PAST
    3      | 12345   | IN THE PAST


I'd be looking to get a return from my search like

    ID | NAME       | LAST_USER_ID
    1  | Document 1 | 12345
    2  | Document 2 | 11111
    3  | Document 3 | 12345
    4  | Document 4 | 
    5  | Document 5 | 


Can I easily do this with one SQL query and a join between the two tables?

修改Andy White生成的代码,并用DB2(和ISO标准SQL)分隔标识符替换方括号(MS SQL Server表示法):

Revising what Andy White produced, and replacing square brackets (MS SQL Server notation) with DB2 (and ISO standard SQL) "delimited identifiers":

SELECT d.id, d.name, h.last_user_id
    FROM Documents d LEFT JOIN
         (SELECT r.doc_id AS id, user_id AS last_user_id
              FROM History r JOIN
                   (SELECT doc_id, MAX("timestamp") AS "timestamp"
                        FROM History
                        GROUP BY doc_id
                   ) AS l
                   ON  r."timestamp" = l."timestamp"
                   AND r.doc_id      = l.doc_id
         ) AS h
         ON d.id = h.id

我不是绝对确定时间戳或TIMESTAMP是否正确 - 可能后者。

I'm not absolutely sure whether "timestamp" or "TIMESTAMP" is correct - probably the latter.


The advantage of this is that it replaces the inner correlated sub-query in Andy's version with a simpler non-correlated sub-query, which has the potential to be (radically?) more efficient.