ASP.Net MVC异常日志记录与错误处理相结合


我要寻找一个简单的解决方案做的异常记录,错误在我的ASP.Net MVC 1.0应用程序中处理相结合。

I am looking for a simple solution to do Exception Logging combined with Error Handling in my ASP.Net MVC 1.0 application.


I've read lots of articles, including Questions posted here on *, which all provide varying solutions for different situations. I am still unable to come up with a solution that suits my needs.


  1. 要能够在我的控制器使用[的HandleError]属性(或等值的东西),以处理可能从任何操作或视图抛出的所有异常。这应该处理了(如第2点所述)没有特别的任何动作的处理所有异常。我希望能够指定查看用户必须错误的情况下被重定向到,在控制器的所有操作。

  1. To be able to use the [HandleError] attribute (or something equivalent) on my Controller, to handle all exceptions that could be thrown from any of the Actions or Views. This should handle all exceptions that were not handled specifically on any of the Actions (as described in point 2). I would like to be able to specify which View a user must be redirected to in error cases, for all actions in the Controller.


I want to be able to specify the [HandleError] attribute (or something equivalent) at the top of specific Actions to catch specific exceptions and redirect users to a View appropriate to the exception. All other exceptions must still be handled by the [HandleError] attribute on the Controller.


In both cases above, I want the exceptions to be logged using log4net (or any other logging library).


How do I go about achieving the above? I've read about making all my Controllers inherit from a base controller which overrides the OnException method, and wherein I do my logging. However this will mess around with redirecting users to the appropriate Views, or make it messy.


I've read about writing my own Filter Action which implements IExceptionFilter to handle this, but this will conflict with the [HandleError] attribute.


So far, my thoughts are that the best solution is to write my own attribute that inherits from HandleErrorAttribute. That way I get all the functionality of [HandleError], and can add my own log4net logging. The solution is as follows:

    public class HandleErrorsAttribute: HandleErrorAttribute {

      private log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);

      public override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
          if (filterContext.Exception != null)
            log.Error("Error in Controller", filterContext.Exception);



Will the above code work for my requirements? If not, what solution does fulfill my requirements?


I'm still a bit confused with all the different solutions out there, and how attributes can interfere with each other, but I went with this solution:

public class LogErrorsAttribute: FilterAttribute, IExceptionFilter
    #region IExceptionFilter Members

    void IExceptionFilter.OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
        if (filterContext != null && filterContext.Exception != null)
            string controller = filterContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
            string action = filterContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
            string loggerName = string.Format("{0}Controller.{1}", controller, action);

            log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(loggerName).Error(string.Empty, filterContext.Exception);




I still use the [HandleError] attribute as explained in the original question, and I just decorate each controller with a [LogErrors] attribute.


This works for me, as it keeps the error logging in one place and doesn't cause duplicate exceptions to be logged multiple times (which will happen if I extend [HandleError] and use the attribute in multiple places).


I don't think it will be possible to combine both the Exception Logging and Error Handling into one atrribute or class, without it becoming very tedious and complex, or affecting the use of [HandleError]


But this works for me since I decorate each controller only once, with the [LogErrors] attribute, and decorate Controllers and Actions with [HandleError] exactly how I want to, without them interfering with each other.



Here is an example of How I use it:

[LogErrors(Order = 0)]
[HandleError(Order = 99)]
public class ContactController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View(Views.Index);

    public ActionResult Directions()
        return View(Views.Directions);

    public ActionResult ContactForm()
        FormContactMessage formContactMessage = new FormContactMessage();

        return View(Views.ContactForm,formContactMessage);

    [HandleError(ExceptionType = typeof(SmtpException), View = "MessageFailed", Order = 1)]
    public ActionResult ContactForm(FormContactMessage formContactMessage)
        if (ModelState.IsValid)
            if (formContactMessage.IsValid)
                SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();

                MailAddress recipientAddress = new MailAddress(Properties.Settings.Default.ContactFormRecipientEmailAddress);
                MailAddress senderAddress = new MailAddress(Properties.Settings.Default.ContactFormSenderEmailAddress);
                MailMessage mailMessage = formContactMessage.ToMailMessage(recipientAddress, senderAddress);


                return View("MessageSent");
        return View(Views.ContactForm, formContactMessage);

    private static class Views
        public static string Index { get { return "Index"; } }
        public static string Directions { get { return "Directions"; } }
        public static string ContactForm { get { return "ContactForm"; } }


在上面的code,在的ContactForm 行动超载SmtpExceptions在一个非常特殊的方式处理 - 用户用的ViewPage具体到psented $ P $失败发送的消息,在这种情况下,它被称为MessageFailed。所有其他异常,通过[的HandleError]默认的行为进行处理。还要注意的是错误的记录发生第一,其次是处理错误的。这是由以下表示:

In the above code, SmtpExceptions in the ContactForm action overload are handled in a very specific way - the user is presented with a ViewPage specific to failed sent messages, in this case it is called "MessageFailed" . All other exceptions are handled by the default behaviour of [HandleError]. Also note that logging of errors occurs first, followed by handling of errors. This is indicated by the following:

[LogErrors(Order = 0)]
[HandleError(Order = 99)]



There is an alternative solution to this, with a very good explanantion. I recommend reading through it to get a better understanding of the issues involved.

ASP.NET MVC的HandleError属性,自定义错误页和日志例外一>

ASP.NET MVC HandleError Attribute, Custom Error Pages and Logging Exceptions (Thanks to Scott Shepherd below, who provided the link in an answer below).