

string connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dbx"].ConnectionString;

            string cmdString = "SELECT * FROM tblBasicInfo, tblAccData WHERE ID =" + Convert.ToInt32(AcNotextBox.Text);

            //string query = "SELECT * FROM tblAccData WHERE ID =" + Convert.ToInt32(AcNotextBox.Text);

            using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(connString))
                using (OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(cmdString, conn))


                    OleDbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                    if (reader.Read())
                        StudentNametextBox.Text = (reader["SName"].ToString());
                        FatherNametextBox.Text = (reader["FName"].ToString());
                        ClasscomboBox.Text = (reader["ClassofReading"].ToString());
                        TransportFatextBox.Text = (reader["TranFacility"].ToString());
                        RemarkstextBox.Text = (reader["Remarks"].ToString());
                        CelltextBox.Text = (reader["Cell"].ToString());
                        TrantextBox.Text = (reader["TransportChr"].ToString());
                        DuestextBox.Text = (reader["Dues"].ToString());
                        AdmfeetextBox.Text = (reader["Adm"].ToString());
                        ProFeetextBox.Text = (reader["Pro"].ToString());


What I have tried:

MS Access how to fill dataset with multiple tables in c#


please help me ho set data from access multi table in textbox i have calling data for access from 1 form

首先,永远不要使用连接字符串作为查询。这会让您了解 Sql Injection [ ^ ]。而不是这个,使用参数化查询 [ ^ ]。

一个合适的处理数据的方法是创建数据访问层 [ ^ ]和Bussines Logic Layer [ ^ ]。

最后,我强烈建议您阅读:撰写便携式数据访问层 [ ^ ]并且:通过ADO.NET接口进行简化数据库访问 [ ^ ]
First of all, NEVER use concatenating string as a query. This exposes you on Sql Injection[^]. Rather than this, use parameterized queries[^].

A proper way to work with data is to create Data Access Layer[^] and Bussines Logic Layer[^].

Finally, i'd strongly recommend to read this: Writing a Portable Data Access Layer[^] and this: Simplified Database Access via ADO.NET Interfaces[^]