

Hi Developers,



一个. Scheduler收集数据库的日期和时间每1分钟一次.因此增加网络流量的原因
b. Scheduler收集数据库的日期和时间一次,我正在检查本地系统的日期和时间并进行匹配.在这种情况下,如果客户端系统日期相差很大,则会出现问题.



Hi Developers,

I am handling 2 thread in my code.
1. Handle my application.
2. Handle Scheduling.

1. Problem
Both Thread logging process information into notepad.
Some time both thread try to access same notepad file and throwing error. how to overcome from this error.

2. Problem
a. The Scheduler collection database date & time every 1 min. that reason it increasing network traffic
b. The Scheduler collection database date & time once and I am checking with local system date & time and matching. In this case If client system date have huge difference it giving problem.

Is there any better solution for this two problem?




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Yes, you can and should use better solution.

#1. Hard to invent anything worse that logging into Notepad. Log to system log using the class System.EventLog.

Please see my advanced samples and advices on EventLog in the pages on these Questions:
How to create event log under a folder[^]
MsBuild OutPut to the TextBox on the fly in Windows Application[^]

#2. Prefer not using timer. Actually, avoid it by all means. It''s very hard to avoid several kinds of problems. Use a thread periodically polling your database. Create a separate thread and permanently use it. The period of polling will be defined by System.Threading.Thread.Sleep.

I collected essential references to my past Answers on threading and Invocation (needed to use UI) here:
How to get a keydown event to operate on a different thread in vb.net[^]

If you need some motivation of these approaches, I''ll answer separately. I also have a collection of directions and samples on threading and logging from my past Answers, but all in C# (but more in English :-) … Well, to get good help on .NET and code samples you need at least some understanding of C#, anyway.

I added some references to past Answers. You can ignore the fact that applications are very different. Most advices will be quite applicable to yours. Feel free to ask follow-up Questions.