在Windows Phone 8中使用Web服务


我有一个wcf webservices,我想在Windows Phone 8中使用它在我在模拟器上运行应用程序时工作正常但是当我试图把它在设备上发生错误"远程服务器返回错误未找到"

I have a wcf webservices and i want to consume in windows phone 8 it works fine when i run the application on emulator but when i try to put it on device the error occured that "The remote server returned an error not found"



I guess it could be network restriction on server side also.


It might be considering the same network when you are accessing it from emulator and might be considering it is as different network and blocke by server.

这只是我的猜测,因为你提到它正在使用模拟器而不是设备。 这种错误的一般原因是不同的。

This is just my guess as you mentioned it is working on emulator and not device.  General reason for this kind of error is different.