Struts - 为一个表单使用多个提交按钮? (如何知道点击了哪个)



I have 3 buttons for a form I would like to submit. I'm new to struts and I was wondering, is there a way to find which button was clicked? In my html I have this

<html:form action="myAction.jspa">
    <div align="right">
        <html:submit value="back" />
        <html:submit value="continue Later" />
        <html:submit value="submit"  />

在我的Java Action 类中 execute()方法,我尝试使用 request.getParameter(back)检查后退按钮是否已经按下但不起作用。如何处理struts中的多个提交按钮?

And in my Java Action class in the execute() method, I attempt using request.getParameter("back") to check if the back button has been pressed but it doesn't work. How does one handle multiple submit buttons in struts?


使用< html:submit> 标记上的属性属性来指定名称您将在行动中检查的请求参数。

Use the property attribute on your <html:submit> tag to specify the name of the request parameter that you'll check in your action.


<html:submit property="back">back</html:submit>


if(request.getParameter("back") != null) {
    // back button was clicked


You can, alternatively, give all of your submit buttons the same property, then check the value of the parameter in your action. However, that adds additional internationalization concerns (you'd need to check for non-English translations of the same string).

有关详细信息,请参阅 Struts API

For more information, see the Struts API.