在SQL Server中获取日期范围内的所有日期



I got this example from one * question that was asked but I couldn't get it work according to my need.

WITH DateTable
    SELECT CAST('20110101' as Date) AS [DATE]
    SELECT DATEADD(dd, 1, [DATE]) FROM DateTable 
    WHERE DATEADD(dd, 1, [DATE]) < cast('20110131' as Date)
SELECT dt.[DATE] FROM [DateTable] dt

输入 -

ID |   FromDate  | ToDate
1  |  2011-11-10 | 2011-11-12
2  |  2011-12-12 | 2011-12-14

输出 -

SN |   Dates     | 
1  |  2011-11-10 | 
2  |  2011-11-11 | 
3  |  2011-11-12 | 
4  |  2011-12-12 | 
5  |  2011-12-13 | 
6  |  2011-12-14 |

请参阅此代码对静态日期工作正常。但在我的情况下,我有一个包含三列 Id,FromDate,ToDate 的表。现在我想将每一行的每个范围都转换为单独的日期。

See this code works fine for static dates. But in my case I have a table containing three columns Id, FromDate, ToDate. Now I want to convert each range in the every row to individual dates.


I cannot get the above example to work in case if the range comes from the table and obviously this query has to run for every row in the range table, which is another confusing challenge.



declare @T table
  ID int identity primary key,
  FromDate date,
  ToDate date

insert into @T values
('2011-11-10', '2011-11-12'),
('2011-12-12', '2011-12-14')

select row_number() over(order by D.Dates) as SN,
from @T as T
  inner join master..spt_values as N
    on N.number between 0 and datediff(day, T.FromDate, T.ToDate)
    cross apply (select dateadd(day, N.number, T.FromDate)) as D(Dates)
where N.type ='P'

尝试 SE数据