

我有一个在MySQL本地运行的站点,我想在H2数据库上运行它.我刚刚在浏览器上为控制台运行了h2.jar文件,但是每当我登录时,我都看到列表jdbc:h2:/var/www/mysite/data/db; MODE=MySQL, information_schema and users.,我可以在其中创建表,但不知道如何创建新数据库?

I have a site running locally on MySQL i want to run it on H2 database. I have just run h2.jar file for console on the browser but whenever I Log in I have seen the list jdbc:h2:/var/www/mysite/data/db; MODE=MySQL, information_schema and users.I can create tables in it but don't know how to create new database?

我正在使用Mode = MySQL type =嵌入式模式下的H2数据库引擎.

I am using Mode = MySQL type = H2 Database Engine in Embedded mode.

来自 http://www.h2database.com/html/tutorial.html#creating_new_databases

默认情况下,如果URL中指定的数据库尚不存在, 新的(空)数据库将自动创建.创建的用户 数据库将自动成为该数据库的管理员.

By default, if the database specified in the URL does not yet exist, a new (empty) database is created automatically. The user that created the database automatically becomes the administrator of this database.