是否可以让 Android TV 应用程序在 Amazon Fire TV 上运行?


由于 Android TV Leanback 库显然与 Amazon Fire TV 使用的 SDK 级别 17 兼容,因此我在我的 Android TV 应用程序上设置了最低 SDK 级别,并在我的 Fire TV 上使用 ADB 安装了它.它实际上工作没有任何问题.但是,它没有出现在设置的应用程序列表中,所以我只能通过 ADB 启动它.当我尝试在 Amazon Developer 控制台中进行 Live App Test 时,它甚至无法安装.

Since the Android TV leanback library is apparently compatible with SDK level 17, which is what the Amazon Fire TV uses, I set the minimum SDK level on my Android TV app and installed it using ADB on my Fire TV. It actually works without any problems. However, it doesn't appear in the apps list in Settings, so I can only launch it through ADB. And when I tried to do a Live App Test in the Amazon Developer console, it won't even install.

是否有一些设置或我可以更改的内容以使其正常工作?很遗憾不能使用 Leanback 库,因为它确实有效,而且亚马逊还没有真正提供任何与之等效的东西.

Are there some settings or something I can change to make it work correctly? It would be a pity to not be able to use the leanback library since it does actually work, and since Amazon hasn't really provided anything equivalent to it.


It is definitely possible. However, there are a few things that you need to take into account.

首先,Fire TV 不支持 LEANBACK_LAUNCHER 意图过滤器,因此您需要使用标准的 LAUNCHER 过滤器.此外,在应用实际发布到亚马逊商店之前,您将无法在主屏幕中看到您的应用.

First of all, the Fire TV does not honor the LEANBACK_LAUNCHER intent filter, so you need to use the standard LAUNCHER one. Moreover, you won't be able to see your application in the home screen before the app is actually published in the Amazon Store.

除此之外,您应该不会发现与为 Nexus Player 开发的许多不同之处.

Other than this, you should not find many differences from, say, developing for the Nexus Player.