

我正在尝试使用Nginx作为反向代理来服务两个容器.这是我的Nginx conf文件的一部分:

I'm trying to use Nginx as a reverse proxy to serve two containers. Here is a part of my Nginx conf file:

upstream dashboard {
    server dashboard:80;

upstream editor {
    server editor:80;

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name example.com;

    location / {
        proxy_pass         http://dashboard;

    location /editor/ {
        rewrite ^/editor(.*)$ $1 break;
        proxy_pass         http://editor;

在浏览器中导航到/editor URL时出现404错误,因为该页面正在提交对驻留在上游容器编辑器"中的静态资源的请求.

I'm getting 404 errors when I navigate to the /editor url in my browser because the page is submitting requests for static resources that reside in the upstream container, "editor".

我对Nginx还是很陌生,但是我想它会收到带有url的请求: http://example.com/static/css/2.3d394414.chunk.css

I'm pretty new to Nginx but I presume when it receives a request with the url: http://example.com/static/css/2.3d394414.chunk.css


Nginx has no way of knowing that the corresponding css is located inside the editor container. How can I amend the configuration to fix this problem? I've seen some configurations which provide a common path to any static assets but I need a solution that can handle assets within docker containers.

如果我正确理解,您在editordashboard上游具有静态资源,在两种情况下,URL都是相同的/static/some.resource 由于您无法根据URL进行区分,因此可以配置nginx首先尝试文件是否在dashboard上,然后将请求代理到editor(如果找不到).

If I understood correctly you have static resources on editor and dashboard upstreams and in both cases the URL is the same /static/some.resource Because you cannot differentiate based on the URL you could configure nginx to try if the file exists on dashboard first and proxy the request to editor if not found.

 upstream editor {
    server editor:80;

   upstream dashboard {
     server dashboard:80;

   server {
     location /static {
     # Send 404s to editor
     error_page 404 = @editor;
     proxy_intercept_errors on;

     proxy_pass http://dashboard


     location @editor {
       # If dashboard does not have the file try with editor
       proxy_pass http://editor

另请参见 nginx –试试多个指定位置或服务器上的文件
