在没有JNLP的情况下启动Windows Jenkins代理


构建了一个新的Windows Server 2016,以充当jenkins精心打造的构建的目标.我们不应该再使用oracle java,所以我得到了coretta openJDK. OpenJDK不再支持javaws.可执行文件不附带.我已经看到了一些脚本化的变通办法,但是它们不起作用,并且写得不好,无法引导.

Built a new Windows Server 2016 to act as a target for jenkins orchestrated builds. We are not supposed to use oracle java anymore, so I got coretta openJDK. OpenJDK does not support javaws any more. The executable does not ship with it. I have seen some scripted workarounds, but they do not work and are poorly written to boot.


What are we supposed to use to launch slave agents on Windows machines?

有几种方法可以实现此目的,但是由于这是Windows服务器,因此您可以在 https://github.com/kohsuke/winsw/blob/master/doc/installation.md#winsw-安装指南,以在没有javaws的情况下将jenkins slave作为服务安装.

There are several ways to implement this but since this is a windows server you can follow steps on https://github.com/kohsuke/winsw/blob/master/doc/installation.md#winsw-installation-guide to install jenkins slave as service without javaws.