从 WPF 应用程序窗口获取位图?


Winforms System.Windows.Forms.Control 类有一个实例方法DrawToBitmap",我认为它在各种情况下都非常有用.我想知道是否有从 WPF 应用程序获取 System.Drawing.Bitmap 的等效方法?

The Winforms System.Windows.Forms.Control class has an instance method "DrawToBitmap" which I think is very useful in a variety of circumstances. I'm wondering if there's an equivalent way of getting a System.Drawing.Bitmap from a WPF application?

我意识到我可以做一些 P/Invoke 的东西来获取应用程序窗口,但是我不喜欢这样,因为它不能很好地适应 64 位转换,并且不允许我只渲染子控件,就像 DrawToBitmap 一样.

I realize I could do some P/Invoke stuff to just get the application window, however I don't like this because it doesn't accomodate the 64bit transition very well, and doesn't let me render sub-controls only, as DrawToBitmap does.


Use RenderTargetBitmap as on MSDN

Use RenderTargetBitmap as on MSDN

RenderTargetBitmap bitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap(width, height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Pbgra32);