

我的Nexus S,承上启下4和6 MIFARE的NFC标签,并希望具有NFC读/写acr122u设备(我还没有买它尚未)的桌面应用程序。

i have nexus s, nexus 4 and 6 mifare nfc tags, and want to make an desktop application with nfc reader/writer acr122u device (which i haven't bought it yet).

不过除了Android SDK中,是否有需要作出的桌面应用程序通过日食与Java一些其他的SDK?或者我可以直接购买并使用acr122u设备(不包括SDK),并通过蚀使应用程序?

But apart from android sdk, is there some other SDK needed for making an desktop application through eclipse with java? or i can directly buy and use the acr122u device (without sdk) and make the app through eclipse?


If the SDK is needed, is there any link to download it for free or i have to buy it from the vendor itself?

还有一件事,做的Nexus S和ACR122U支持FeliCa的NFC卡?

One more thing, does nexus S and ACR122U support felica nfc cards?
I have mifare classic nfc cards, its working fine with them.


To develop applications for the ACR122U you do not need to purchase the SDK from ACS. From a computing/development perspective, the ACR122U is a smartcard reader/writer.

要发展与Java中,你将需要 ACR122U司机并以$对 Java智能卡C $ C I / O API

To develop with Java you will need the ACR122U drivers and to code against the Java Smart Card I/O API

在要约ACS的SDK是一个简单的示例code为各种平台只是一个集合(Java,C#.NET,VB6,C ++),它不要求与该设备相连接。

The SDK on offer from ACS is simply just a collection of sample code for various platforms (Java, C#.NET, VB6, C++) It is not a requirement to interface with the device.


Here is some sample code which looks like it could be useful to you. What exactly are you trying to achieve.

最后,如果你有兴趣在.NET开发再看看为.NET 的 CardWerk智能卡API。我用这个,它大大简化事情与winscard.dll seemeed想了很多的工作接口。

Finally, if you are interested in .NET dev then look at the CardWerk Smart Card API for .NET. I used this and it greatly simplified things as interfacing with winscard.dll seemeed like a lot of work.