

语言: PHP / MySQL的

Language: PHP / MySQL


I am going out of my mind, I really have to ask now... I have a multiple file upload form:



With the help of some Javascript, on each change made to this input, it appends a list of filenames, + a formatted string (grabbed from the filename) inside another input, so onchange we have a layout as shown below (assuming that we just added some images):

几乎类似: http://jsfiddle.net/pxfunc/WWNnV/4 /

//一个HTML重新$这种布局的对$ psentation会... (假设我们增加了3张图片)

// An HTML representation of such layout would be... (assuming that we added 3 images)


  • 图像名称1.JPG  <输入类型=文本VALUE =图片名称1的名字=关键字[]>

  • justsome_file.png  <输入类型=文本VALUE =Justsome文件NAME =关键字[]>

  • some_Img-031.gif  <输入类型=文本值=一些图031NAME =关键字[]>

  • image-name-1.jpg   <input type="text" value="Image Name 1" name="keyword[]">
  • justsome_file.png   <input type="text" value="Justsome File" name="keyword[]">
  • some_Img-031.gif   <input type="text" value="Some Img 031" name="keyword[]">



I have it this way because aside from uploading the files, I would also like to add them to my database, with a default title based on its filename (and the option to set/change this title for each image as I upload it). There is no problem with my form.


PROBLEM: My dilemma lies inside the PHP page where the form data/action is submitted.


  • 上传正确的图像,但得到相同的标题为所有

  • 插入正确的头衔,但得到相同的图像的所有


Here is my PHP action page: (Currently uploading correct images, but having same title for all)

include (dirname(__FILE__).'/lib/class.upload.php');

$files = array();
foreach ($_FILES['fileupload'] as $k => $l)
    foreach ($l as $i => $v)
        if (!array_key_exists($i, $files))
        $files[$i] = array();
        $files[$i][$k] = $v;
        $imagename = $_POST['keyword'][$i];

// create an array here to hold file names
$uploaded = array();
foreach ($files as $file)
            $generate_name = rand(100,99999); 
            $generate_name_extra = rand(200,9999);
            $filenamex = "COVER_PHOTO_".$generate_name.$generate_name_extra."_".time();
            $filenamex_thumb = $filenamex."_thumb";

            $handle = new upload($file);
            if ($handle->uploaded) {
            $this_upload = array();

            ///// 1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            $handle->file_new_name_body   = $filenamex_thumb;
            $handle->file_force_extension = true;
            $handle->image_resize         = true;
            $handle->image_x              = '300';
            $handle->image_ratio_y        = true;
            $handle->jpeg_quality = '100';

            // ABSOLUTE PATH BELOW
            if ($handle->processed) {

      // store the image filename
    $this_upload['image'] = $handle->file_dst_name; // Destination file name
    $this_upload['body'] = $handle->file_dst_name_body; // Destination file name body
    $this_upload['extension'] = $handle->file_dst_name_ext; // Destination file extension

        $category_id = $_POST['cat'];
        $hiddenvalues = explode ("|",$_POST["cat"]);
        $category = $hiddenvalues[0];
        $category_name = $hiddenvalues[1];

                $sql = 'INSERT INTO cover (id, img, keyword, category_name, cat_id) VALUES ("", "'.$this_upload['image'].'", "'.$imagename.'", "'.$category_name.'", "'.$category.'")';

        header("Location: ./upload.php");
                $message = "";
    } else {

         echo '  file not uploaded to the wanted location';
         echo '  Error: ' . $handle->error . '';

} ?>

(我用的是 上传类由Colin Verot 来处理图像上传,和他们的FAQ教程来处理的此页,下:?什么多个上传

(I use the Upload Class by Colin Verot to handle image uploads, and their FAQ tutorial to handle MULTIPLE image uploads on this page, under: What about multiple uploads?)

这将工作完美的,如果我只是上传图片,但我加了将每个图像数据到我的数据库的功能。 &安培;这是它变得混乱。


I'm sure the key is placing the SQL query inside the right foreach, or perhaps making another one, but I've tried that & it only gives me 1 good result for either the image upload or the title, never for both.


I need to upload the image to the site, then store its data (including image path) to my database.


Please look into my code and enlighten me how to solve this problem? A snippet clue would really be great for now as I am already very confused after having tried all I could think of. Thank you so much!

当你收集你覆盖文件信息 $ imagename 在每个循环,这样它会被分配给最后一个。尝试将其连接到 $文件变量(希望这不会乱用上传类,你正在使用)

When you're gathering the file information you're overwriting $imagename on every loop so it will be assigned to the last one. Try attaching it to the $files variable (hopefully this doesn't mess with the upload class you're using).

foreach ($l as $i => $v)
    if (!array_key_exists($i, $files))
    $files[$i] = array();
    $files[$i][$k] = $v;
    $files[$i]['imagename'] = $_POST['keyword'][$i];

然后更新您的 $ SQL 字符串引用

$sql = 'INSERT INTO cover (id, img, keyword, category_name, cat_id) 
     VALUES ("", "'.$this_upload['image'].'", "'.$file['imagename'].'", 
         "'.$category_name.'", "'.$category.'")';