


I have a database driven website serving about 50,000 pages.

我想跟踪每个网页/记录的点击情况. 我将通过创建日志,然后每天一次批处理日志来做到这一点. 我不关心如何执行批处理过程,而只关心最快的记录方式.

I want to track each webpage/record hit. I will do this by creating logs, and then batch processing the logs once a day. I am not concerned with how I will do the batch process, only with the quickest way to log.


How would you log, which do you think is quicker:


a) Use PHP to append to the end of a text log file.


b) Use MySQL to INSERT INTO a non-indexed log table.

  1. 写入文件.轮换日志.

  1. Write to file. Rotate logs.


Batch load the file to the database on a scheduled basis.


There are many, many reasons to choose this architecture -- ease of scaling (write to many logs, load them to db), lack of reliance on a SPOF in the database (if something goes wrong, you just accumulate logs for a while), ability to do cleaning and non-trivial parsing at load-time without burdening your production servers, and more.