

在此表中,我有要输入数据的字段'title''url''keywords'和说明.顺便说一句,我拥有的所有字段依次为"id","title","description","keywords","url"和"rank".我基本上想将多维数组的数据输入到mysql表中,并为每个数组输入[title]和[url]等.我希望它是一行. 我的代码如下:

In this table, I have the fields 'title' 'url' 'keywords' and description that I want data entered into. By the way, all the fields i have are 'id', 'title', 'description, 'keywords' url' and 'rank' in that order. I basically want to input data from a multidimensional array into the mysql table and for every array, with [title] and [url] etc. I want it to be one row. My code is below:

 $data = array();
  foreach ($links as $link) {
$output = array(
  "title"       => Titles($link), 
  "link"        => $link,
  "description" => getMetas($link),
  "keywords" => getKeywords($link) 
   if (empty($output["description"])) 
  {$output["description"] = getWord($link);
  $data[] = $output;

 mysql_query("INSERT INTO scan (title, url, description, keywords) VALUES ('".implode("'),('",$data)."')");

if (!mysql_query()) {
echo "woops";



Just to be clear, I want to array above, in my MYSQL table.


That depends, because you would have to do a table in the database with time,date,competition,first_team,second_team columns


It really depends on how much you know at the moment, if you just want to log a plain array you can just serialize it into the database and unserialize it in the code

例如 php代码:

$array = array ('one','two','three'); 
$array = serialize ($array);
var_dump ($array);
$unseralize = unserialize ($array);
var_dump ($unserialize);


Something tells me you might want to just put it over the database and query the server then do the loop.