使用Pyodbc + UnixODBC + FreeTDS设置连接设置


我有一个使用Pyodbc,UnixODBC和FreeTDS的安装程序,但是其中某些位置正在设置一些选项,我不知道在哪里.根据SQL Server Management Studio,我的程序在打开连接时正在发送一些设置:

I have a setup using Pyodbc, UnixODBC and FreeTDS, but somewhere in there some options are being set and I don't know where. According to SQL Server Management Studio, my program is sending some settings when it opens the connection:

set quoted_identifier off
set ansi_padding off
set ansi_nulls off


But I need a different set of settings:

set quoted_identifier on
set ansi_padding on
set ansi_nulls on


Is there any way to change this? If I can't do it with my current setup, are there any other libraries I could use in Python that would let me change it (preferably using the Python Database API)?


Changing settings in the database isn't an option because I have a bunch of other projects that use my current settings.


Mark's answer was correct, but I couldn't get it working with FreeTDS/UnixODBC. Adding that info to my odbc.ini file worked perfectly though:

... other options ..
QuotedID = YES

根据 MSDN ,您应该可以在连接字符串中进行设置:

According to MSDN you should be able to set these in the connection string:

cnxn = pyodbc.connect("DSN=someDSN;UID=someUser;PWD=somePass;QuotedID=Yes;AnsiNPW=Yes")