用于 ng serve 和 ng build 的 cli 配置中的不同资产 [Angular 5]


当我使用 ng build 时是否可以使用不同的资产数组?

Is possible to use different assets array when i use ng build?

"assets": [
    "glob": "**/*",
    "input": "../externalDir",
    "output": "./app/",
    "allowOutsideOutDir": true

就我而言,当我使用 ng build 时,我只想构建这个:

In my case when i use ng build i want to build only this:

"assets": [

我不认为有针对环境特定资产的选项.但是您可以在 angular-cli.json 中创建其他应用程序,它们基本上只是彼此的副本,但具有不同的资产.例如

I don't believe there is an option to do environment specific assets. But you can make additional apps in your angular-cli.json which are basically just copies of each other, but with different assets. For example

// angular-cli.json
"apps": [
        "root": "src",
        "outDir": "dist",
        "name": "devApp",
        "assets" : [
                "glob": "**/*",
                "input": "../externalDir",
                "output": "./app/",
                "allowOutsideOutDir": true
        "root": "src",
        "outDir": "dist",
        "name": "prodApp",
        "assets": [


Now you can build your assets differently by building a specific "app"

// dev
ng build --app=0
// or
ng build --app=devApp

// prod
ng build --app=1
// or
ng build --app=prodApp

Angular cli docs 在多个应用上.

Angular cli docs on multiple apps.