

我被一家公司雇用来开发Windows应用程序,该应用程序将像客户端服务器软件一样在本地Intranet上运行.客户端将使用分配给服务器的公共IP地址连接到服务器. (我想但不确定,这将在程序内部进行硬编码).而且在安装软件之前将要输入的许可证密钥将继续进行,但是我真的不知道该怎么做.


Hi guys, Thank you for always been there.
I was hired by a company to develop a windows application that will run on a local Intranet more like a client server software. The client will connect to the server using a public IP address assign to the server. (I guess but not sure, this will be hard-coded inside the program). And also a license key that will be entered before installation of the software will proceed, but i dont really know how to go about it.

Any reference to an existing source or URL link is welcome.

使用WPF或System.Windows.Forms将服务器部分作为Windows服务实施,将客户端部分作为Windows应用程序实施. ,为了进行通信,请使用由您的服务托管的WCF(自我托管),或使用TcpListener/TcpClient或…级别的经典远程处理或TCP套接字-您将其命名.这个问题过于笼统,无法进一步详细介绍,这完全取决于要求.

Implement a server part as Windows Service, a client part as Windows application, using WPF or System.Windows.Forms, for communication use WCF hosted by your service (self-hosting), or classical remoting or TCP sockets at the level of TcpListener/TcpClient or… — you a name it. The question is too general to go into further detail, it all depends on requirements.