





I have a query regarding communicating 64 bit exe or dll with 32 bit components.

is there any way to dll or we have to write a wrapper or directly we can have acces changing the registry settings.

What I have tried:

communicating 64 bit exe or dll with 32 bit components


见这里: 64位app调用32位dll? [ ^ ]获取建议。

就注册表而言,访问受限于64位和32位程序集的相同方式 - 并且可能更严格而不是更少。除非您需要更改其他应用程序的注册表设置,否则最好完全忽略它,并使用您自己的本地存储。如果不出意外,本地存储将不需要进程提升!
A 64 bit EXE can't call 32 bit assemblies.
See here: 64 bit app calling 32 bit dll?[^] for suggestions.

And as far as the registry goes, access is restricted in the same way to both 64 and 32 bit assemblies - and is likely to be more strict rather than less. Unless you need to change registry settings for a different application, you would be better off ignore it completely, and using your own local storage instead. If nothing else, local storage won't require process elevation!