Symfony框架 - 将Cyrillic数据从灯具加载到数据库



How can I load data into database from fixture files with Cyrillic data?


I've tried, but data in database is converted to ??? symbols. My fixture file is saved in UTF-8 encoding.


Are you using MySQL? You may need to change the collation and/or character sets for the tables in your database.

A 整个部分存在于MySQL手册中,如果您的国际化项目范围很广,我建议您使用此SQL每个表将帮助您:

A whole section exists in the MySQL Manual on this topic which I recommend if your project scope for internationalisation is wide, but essentially applying this SQL to each table will help you:

ALTER TABLE tablename CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;