


$ b $ to-use-for-storing-boolean-values>使用哪种MySQL数据类型存储布尔值? b


I have viewed many questions on this topic but I can not find an answer, I have a HTML form with 10 questions, each with a radio button for yes or no to be selected. when creating the table in the database (im using phpymadmin) what is the type I need to select for each question to store this yes no field? I am a novice use at this but all answers appreciated!



  • 创建 TINYINT(1)列,将 1 表示是,将 0 表示否;

  • 创建 CHAR(1)列并存储 Y 为yes和 N 否;

  • 创建 VARCHAR(3)CHARSET ascii COLLATE ascii_bin 列并存储'yes'或'否';

  • Create a TINYINT(1) column and store 1 for yes and 0 for no;
  • Create a CHAR(1) column and store Y for yes and N for no;
  • Create a VARCHAR(3) CHARSET ascii COLLATE ascii_bin column and store 'yes' or 'no';


You are free to choose what fits your needs. And even these are only a few options. What is really important is picking one and sticking to it as a standard for this kind of data.

此外,您可能无需表示 no 的所有值,以防您的数据没有选择为null的选项。您只能设置的值,并将默认值视为

Also, you may not need to represent the no values at all in case your data doesn't have an option to be null. You can only set the yes values and let the default be treated as no.